Wow... How time flies? And yet I'm still writing this?! Goodness! Rindu-nyeee
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Xmas 08'
Merry Christmas to all out there. Whether it's a white xmas, brown xmas, tropic xmas or any xmas you can think of.... MERRY CHRISTMAS!
And to my dear sis who posted a blog for wishing me Happy Birthday 23 days ago, now is my turn to do my part...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FLORA! Have a great one this double 2s year! I might! So you should too!I remember from Home Alone II that a pair of turtle doves on the Christmas tree ornament is meant for friendship. I've learned and heard a lot on friendship. So, this Christmas I'm gonna give out a turtle dove of many pairs to each one of you out there as a symbol of our friendship and love. First one to Flora (her birthday so have ta put in her name first right). The list of names goes on and on.
Friendship is what we put our heart through and through as we journey out over age and time. Appreciate it everyone! Merry Xmas!
Posted by Jack at 9:13 AM 2 comments
Labels: Festive Grunts
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Goodness! Nowadays I'm just too tired, lazy, packed and many more excuses to post up much on the blog. :p
A lot of things are yet to be said. But as above, :p
Posted by Jack at 7:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
Monday, December 8, 2008
Amazing day! Thanks everyone for all those many wishes! Especially those few who called or tried calling me all the way from U.S. Really apppppreciate it!
Amazing day too (more like night)! Got myself pissed drunk again! A few regrets there and here but I'll passed it soon. Puked out stuffs from both my stomach and heart. Crap!
Anyway... Thanks!
P/S: I realized that Korean girls are quite hot too whether real or not! But I'm loyal!
Posted by Jack at 1:05 AM 1 comments
Labels: Jack's Grunts
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Busy busy
Man! Each time I've some inspiration to blog or post something up I would lose all these ideas or motivation to write them up by the time I switched my laptop on and check my Facebook. Just an update, been busy at work all week long. Consolation for being a hardworking employee would be 2 movies night out (Madagascar II and Twilight) and a company sports club annual dinner. Guess what! I was in the performance team. Somehow I always get forced to participate in this kinda stuff. Well, the good thing was that we actually won the other teams (it was kinda a surprise I dare say since there was this one team that could dance with a better oomph than us..HOT!).
On the negative side, something has been bothering me lately. By a lot too! I've been trying to get some advices from certain "professional"s but for now everything seemed to be in not really good looking. The best idea would still be my very own idea which is to chill out and watch. Tough!
Well, this is it. Ciao peepz!
Posted by Jack at 6:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
Monday, November 24, 2008
I'm gonna exploit my blog! Indirectly~~
I'm gonna be turning "old" soon and I've no idea how to make it into a fun gather gather...
I've finished exploiting! Now you all know!
Please prepare accordingly... Hahaha!
Posted by Jack at 7:15 AM 3 comments
Labels: Jack's Grunts
Sunday, November 16, 2008
An update
As promised. An update!
For those who missed Keny and Sook's wedding ceremony and dinner. Don't worry. I bet your passion for shark fin soup or the fun were present. I felt the Force (being a Star War fan). Anyhow, now that's all over the bride and the groom deserve the short term rest.
What I'm gonna write below is gonna get this post a couple comments such as, "I told you lo, Jack!" or "You see... xxxx very nice ehh." sorta. Here goes,
As I was driving home to KL from Penang and vice verse on Friday, I definitely need to pass by the middle point of Ipoh. Ipoh being geographically situated among hills of rocks (batu kapur if my memory serves me well) made it something like Quillin of China. So, it's the Quillin of Malaysia. Not to forget, loads of my male friends had always made statements that Ipoh is famous for good looking people of the opposite sex. I've yet to be proven onto. Anyhow, I'm not gonna start burning up my male hormone in this post. Maybe later!
So, as I was driving and looking in front tentatively, I was also admiring the nice scenery those stony rock-hills created. It's astonishing as for both of the times I travelled that certain stretch, it was like most of my bulks of negativity recently has been unloaded of my back. I feel refreshed. Not bad huh!
Not to mention, a few old songs that were played from my I-Pod randomness made me think back of my desires. Now I remember why I wanted to study in US all these years. It's because I read too many Archies (the song Sugar Sugar was being played) and watched too many old American movies (the very old ones). I got attracted to the features that were imagined when I was a kid.
When the song "Yesterday Once More" by The Carpenters was being played, I imagined back to the old times such as the 50s or the 60s where life (no doubt harsher) but much simpler than now. I got all these ideas from the old movies. Hollywood really got into me when I was a kid. I do hope some readers remember some of the movies showing a kid wearing a flat cap with checkered shorts running up an empty street with a few old Ford cars on the sidewalk while swinging their baseball bats or ice-lollies. Don't make me be the only one who still is a kid at heart.
So, yeah! Being refreshed and reminiscing all those old thoughts and memories definitely gave me some "Quantum of Solace" or how they put is as "Kebahagiaan Dalam Dunia Penuh Kesengsaraan". Kudos to our translators.
Anyhow, maybe I ought to travel up North more often. Okay Ipoh peepz. You may shoot me now!
Posted by Jack at 8:02 AM 1 comments
Labels: Jack's Grunts
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Cleaning up the engine
Working is like taking a totally different path that you've ever walked. Even if you might have previous experience or knowledge of working but taking a turn from your usual life into a working life is a serious change. Why do I say this? Because I'm taking that drastic turn right now. And I bet somewhere out there, are people who agree with me.
I've been taking my new change for about 3 months now. No wonder how good I am being able to accustom myself to different culture or different environment where ever I go, I'm still taking my time. Childish to say this but there are too many good things to be sacrificed once work has started. I'm getting the income to enjoy life. So true! But at a cost too. I'm not fretting. I'm just sharing it out. A lot of people I know are always in desperate to start their working life as fast as possible. My advise is take things slow. Enjoy your current standing because time can never be wind back.
For now, I'll just take things slow. What ever I can handle, I'll take it. Else, KIV. Act spontaneously. I'm just to used to such actions. Planning is not really a forte of mine. It's my parents. I do not want to be too bounded by logical perceptions. This is my new stress-release program.
Am gonna start attending gym somewhere in mid of November. It's time to take things to action and shape up. Things will always turn out better if you tweak with the engine. I'm in lacking of releasing sweat for the moment. Which gym I'm gonna attend? Still undecided. The place with my most demographic preference of course!
Posted by Jack at 11:02 AM 3 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I don't wanna know
Was listening to the radio while on my way back and somehow bumped into this song. Used to listen to this every morning while taking the train to college. Enjoy! I miss college times!
Posted by Jack at 7:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: Daytime Grunts
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Instead of thou
It's midnight. Before midnight, it was dusk. I noticed. I noticed the shape of the clouds during sunset. I noticed I haven't look up into the sky, my best solace, look up into the silver lining of every cloud, for a very long time now. No wonder the economic has been bad. Not the world economy, it's not affected by the up factor but my very own economical feeling and mood. In a spot of emptiness in the middle of the colossal of clouds, the orange-ness and gleaming gold of the sun ray shines right through signifying a provider of hope and direction which says, "Come this way." I did not reach out as I know, and I always do, that the view of the sky now, in midnight, will also says the same. This has been my solace.
I have to admit this. I have been lacking motivation and passion for these past several weeks. I've putting up effort in fifth gear to show a positive and optimistic side. But, as always, I could never muster to it all alone. I need companions. And as the only person aging 22 in the house, I seek companions out there. My brotherhoods and sisterhoods. I nearly forgot my best solace. I'm so unmotivated that I had seek the darker and lonelier path. Among the shadows cast by the walls on both sides of a lonely lane. Tonight, I remember, that there is always a dark friend that has been comforting me for these many years now. It's dark but it still sparkles. The stars scattering randomly made it that way.
I hold a grudge. Against you. Against your kind. I finally realized that I've not let go. Not even after these years. My grudge to sum up itself will hold a history textbook looked shameful. You've outwitted me. For that, I seek surrender. But I let go off my white flag with a taint of mistrust and grudge. I seek to change but I missed. I missed out several trains that would have lead me to a better platform far away. But I was bearing too much of this grudge. I could not blame you. I myself did the same before also. It is as what the old ones say, "What goes around, comes around."
In times of putting up a brave and bold front, I've always putting up a negative on my back. I need someone who would support me else instead of thou.
Posted by Jack at 11:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
Monday, October 13, 2008
Cough! Cough! Cough!
Here's an update. And I believe many would be laughing happily reading this phrase:
I'm sick!
Had a flu attack last Thursday night. Was all feverish the whole night (bad sleep due to my concept of fever = unpleasant dreams). Luckily, I only had a half day on Friday. I did got myself some really good medicine after work, which was finally getting my long awaited clothes from ZARA. Hahaha... That was an immediate cure. Though only for temporary. Immediately the day after which I had my steamboat (pictures and videos to be loaded on next post), the cough was incurable. I kept on coughing till the very now. Maybe I need more shopping. ( ^ .^)
I've been listening to this song a lot nowadays.
Posted by Jack at 7:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: Jack's Grunts
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I'm bored. Too bored. It's gonna spread a mundane toned down mood to everyone who reads my blog nowadays. Not only me though. Have been chatting a lot with Flora on MSN these few days. A lot since God knows when. Anyhow, this post is not to talk about Flora. Not enough time to write all the stuffs on her alone. Haha...
As my boring fingers are typing and shuffling along the cursor, I landed on Cosmopolitan website and was browsing some of the articles there. I found one of it to be "Love Questions Every Guy Ask Himself". And so I thought to myself, among all these questions, which that I asked myself before? Here's the result...
- Does she think I’m funny?
- What's she like in bed?
- Are lulls in the conversation first-date awkwardness or a sign that she has nothing to say?
- Am I really willing to give up on other potentials for her?
- Will my friends like her?
- Will she eventually look as MILF-hot (or troll-like) as her mom does?
- She may work now, but do I make enough money to support her and a family if I need to?
- Can I be happy never having sex with another woman for the rest
So, here's my list of questions that I used (or some maybe still) to think of. Ciao!
Posted by Jack at 7:29 AM 1 comments
Labels: Informational Grunts
Saturday, October 4, 2008
What you think!
I've been bitching a lot lately. Yes I know it!
So, that's why this time, this post is dedicated to all you readers out there who know me to bitch on this post!
What to bitch? Of course about the author himself! You can bitch anything you want about me. What you think about the author... Your author wants to change himself a little (not gonna go too much but maybe tiny little). Anyhow, cut things short, leave up the bitching and put anonymous if you want to (though I'll probably know who you are by how you type). Oh! Most importantly, it would be best if you could comment on my PR.
Posted by Jack at 8:03 AM 10 comments
Labels: Jack's Grunts
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Hari Raya Day II
Today's the second day of the Raya celebration for the Muslim (also the second day of my holiday)! It's really hard to accept the fact that I won't be touching office for another 3 more days! Yay! Holidays are hard to come by once you started working. Believe me. It's that precious! Well, if you are the sorta person who is dedicated and absolutely obssessed with your work like Audrey then going to work is really a no brainer. Anyhow, skip the work topic. I'm on holiday! Should be thinking of other bigger pictures in the world.
Before, I do forget. It's Elizabeth's birthday today! Happy Birthday! Enjoy being ** (I know you'll appreciate the age-censored). Anyhow, I did promise to join ya celebration but was kinda busy! Hehe... Soon ya!
I did realize soemthing regarding this blog of mine. It lacks information! I seemed to be posting a lot of bimbo postings on myself and stuffs that I rarely post up some screwed up wild thoughts of wisdom that I usually did last time. Oh well! Maybe I just love to brag nowadays.
There is a very important information that I just remembered though. I haven't gone shopping yet!!! Due to unforeseen reasons, my shopping-mate (not gonna make her feel guilty by putting her name here but I think most of you know who she is) FFK-ed me yesterday. It's a good enough reason and I accepted her excuse. Anyhow, the point is I still haven't shop yet! Luckily, I was able to fill in the busy-turned-void day yesterday by going with Audrey and Shawn. Phew! Anyhow, shopping-mate said we're gonna shop tomorrow. So, keep my fingers crossed!
Posted by Jack at 1:08 AM 1 comments
Labels: Daytime Grunts
Monday, September 29, 2008
A GOOD usual day!
Hey there peepz! Today is a good day! Everything went out normally and the best thing is that holiday is coming in another day's time!
A list of good stuffs that I figured kinda contributed to this normal happy day:
- I woke up at 2 a.m. this morning!
- Dad's back! Sometime after 2 a.m. this morning! Good! Now that he's back, I can finally go out and let go some manly responsibility in the house! Plus I can go out till late too! *Peace
- Traffic was unbelievably smooth this morning! Hardly any cars on the road at all! I reached office in good time 20 minutes! Less smoke from the road as I made my walk to the office from the parking lot. The air just seemed so much fresher!
- Boss wasn't in a hurry for me to submit the work which I had been given my weekends to as I still haven't complete them up! It's just that tough to understand the new model. Yes! I'm kinda dumb nowadays. Be patient with me everyone!
- Though it's wrong for me to feel or notice this, I remembered how sweet a smile can be. ( ^ .^)
- I secured a shopping getaway with my setapak-shopping-kaki (yes! your nick got longer) on this Wednesday. I'm not gonna shop a lot but I'm definitely gonna shop for something. I feel my wardrobe has become a little too queasy.
- Audrey suggested to go white-water rafting since we have such a long holiday (5 days!) and I said ," You plan it! I'm in!" Simple and nice. Now that I thought of it, I wonder who she's gonna ask along for such exciting activity! *Hint hint* ( ^ .^)
- Setapak-kaki just called and asked me to go for lunch tomorrow! Something different for lunch for a change! Thanks! See you tomorrow!
Well, what could actually make today much better you asked? Not that I'm greedy but if there was a certain beep on my cell from a certain someone would definitely make everything so much better!
Oh! Sorry Elizabeth for not being able to make it to your earlier celebration for your birthday! Will make it up!
Posted by Jack at 7:05 AM 2 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
She's hot!
I mean Rihanna...
Been listening to her songs for some long time but did not really watch any of the MVs like till recently. Anyway, what can I say, for a young girl (younger than me too! She's only 20!), she's got the pretty look and the sexy look! What am I talking about? I have no idea! Haha... This is the song I like most from her list of goodies!
Oh! I heard on the radio recently that her latest bob hair-cut is an in-thing right now in for hair-dos. People (ladies of course) have been turning up into the salon and asking, "I wanna do the Rihanna." And I agree! That hairstyle looks good on girls with sharp features.
Posted by Jack at 7:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: Jack's Grunts
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Yo everyone! Was cleaning my files the other day and thought of uploading a video I made back in US before I left. Not that of an awesome video. Wish I could make something better! But anyhow, will try to improvise it one day! A big long video... I have loads of everyone's embarrassing videos and photos especially Wilson (you all know why). For now, ENJOY!
Posted by Jack at 7:52 AM 32 comments
Labels: Jack's Grunts
Friday, September 19, 2008
A Bitching Post
*DO not start reading since the post would contain "impolite" contents*
Posted by Jack at 8:53 AM 12 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Health Issue
Health issue? Oh my God! Our author is sick? Shit! What should we do? Is he okay? Is he gonna continue posting up his sexy grunts and funny groans? We should him send him some flowers (from the sickbed: I'll prefer money for medical fees)!
Posted by Jack at 7:07 AM 5 comments
Labels: Pictures Grunts
Sunday, September 14, 2008
A Monday morning!
It's Monday morning and I'm doing this in my cubic!
It looks damn cloudy outside!!! Bad weather!!!
Anyhow, to those who commented on the previous post, just an update, operation started! *wink
Posted by Jack at 7:21 PM 3 comments
Labels: Jack's Grunts
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Self torture
You did never realize. Me too. Not until now when it is too late. Or too much?
Posted by Jack at 10:19 AM 5 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
70th Post
The last post of mine which entitled, "Coffee or Tea" was my number 69th post! What a good number for such posting! Crap! I shouldn't be so superstitious and kinky here. But what the heck! All my readers are in their 20s anyway (I think so). Anyhow, this is my 70th post! Yay! Not that many compared to some of peers who are like practically blogging at every single chance they've got. I'm just too dumb for words sometimes. Nevertheless I rarely post up pictures too. I'm just not a blogger type I guess. Just a normal guy who groans and grunts about his daily livings.
Posted by Jack at 7:12 AM 6 comments
Labels: Informational Grunts
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Coffee or Tea?
Went to The Loft last night. What can I say... I would only go there for a chill but never to dance. The music sucks max first of all. Anyhow, not that all these have any matters. It's my friend's birthday celebration after all. So, no complaints! Well, good things do pass by in front of our eyes sometimes and last night was one of those times.
Posted by Jack at 4:26 AM 4 comments
Labels: Daytime Grunts
Friday, September 5, 2008
Screw it!
Screw all this stuff that I've wondering these few days... Am not gonna do it after all! Screw it!
Posted by Jack at 7:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: Jack's Grunts
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I miss getting present from Spencers. You know, those crazy types. Haha!!!
Posted by Jack at 8:45 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The stroy goes...
I got a post!
It has been some period of time that I have something to post regarding myself. People have been asking me, "How are you?" and "What's new?" but I have nothing to tell. Life's been pretty mundane but I do have things to tell. Just preferred to keep it to myself. Kept it to myself until my headache tells me I gotta let go some air of the story. Oh well, at least I'm planning to tell it to one of my closest friend. Anyhow, the fella ain't replying my messages! Must be too "busy". Haha!
The story goes...
Mom's cooking is so delicious.
AmAssurance is where I'm working right now.
Denmark is a place where one of my good friend is right now.
Electricity is so costly nowadays.
Of all majors, why did I do Actuarial?
Fat is a nickname I gave to a friend of mine.
Headache is what I got today.
Only my dad's massage suits me best.
No one will get what this message meant.
Office is not a place I wanna stay my longer hours in.
Romance is not something I'm willing to put my stakes on for now.
I dare say, the story has some of the similar elements.
Posted by Jack at 6:20 AM 3 comments
Labels: Jack's Grunts
Sunday, August 31, 2008
It's been some time.
Just an update.
Life's been so hectic and restless that I find no inspiration or anything to grunt about. Maybe after some certain restful sessions that I would be able to groan on something. Anyhow, am watching and downloading movies that U.S. has released but M'sia not.
Till next time!
Note: Am still hopeful!
Posted by Jack at 7:22 AM 3 comments
Labels: Daytime Grunts
Monday, August 25, 2008
Monday Grunts
Have been trying to study for about 40minutes! But my brain is just too worn out today. It has been a not-too-good Monday. Well, things are messy and hectic in the office these few days with everything rolling out and stuffs. Anyhow, am gonna try to continue tomorrow. I mean both work and studies! I actually have to reach office by 7.30am to have breakfast with a colleague and then finish up our work. Studies shouldn't be much of a hassle as this is meant to be progressive. But still, got to do it! Funny, I kinda welcome studying (I hope it lasts) as it carries a small essence of youth that I've left since I graduated. Anyhow, studying alone is still different from studying together-gether with folks from Corn-Field. At least I get some (maybe too much) stress-relief moments. Plus laughing along with everyone bout something as stupid as silly as a seahorse is the best right! Haven't got a good laugh for ages now. Everyone's just too busy. Will try to think of something wacky in due times (most probably when I'm bout to burst).
Though seriously, I find myself having more focus ever since I came back to KL. Not in everything. But since I just mentioned studies, the focus did went up more. Kinda getting back the feel of handling exam pressure from old times. Mostly because of KL essence that I'm more comfortable with. Though I'm kinda losing more and more focus in working out and exercising (which I will get back to schedule starting this weekend).
This weekend is something to look forward to. With next Monday being a public holiday and Sunday, Sunday! Gonna go to Kuala Selangor to have seafood with a bunch of people from the neighborhood. Dad's friends and their families. Anyhow, at least some traveling would do me good. That's why I'm gonna slog myself to end this week as soon as possible!
On a side note, I really wanna try our Euphoria in Ministry of Sound. Audrey said to go on Thursday but most probably I can't! Work on Friday (I wanna get high)! Plus, I already have a not-to-be-missed food appointment for dinner! So, please make it on Friday! The chances of me able to go would go up by a minimal of 1%!
Anyway, post ends here. I wanna go listen to some oldies and read up Thirteenth Tale (Michelle! You should be proud! This is my 3rd reading. Damn addictive. Actually so does any other novels I read but you should).
P.S.: Wilson, my reply on MSN was a lie! Cheers!
Posted by Jack at 7:48 AM 2 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
Friday, August 22, 2008
This is dumb. Two posts in less than 30minutes.
But the thing is,
I need to dance!!!
I need to club!!!
All those nigger beats are getting into me!!!
Posted by Jack at 1:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
We grow up. From the days when we were still sucking onto our milk-bottle till today or even the future. Anyway, the point is we grow up. All these years of growing up and learning are actually a way for us to sew on what is it that we want to do. As the title said, our purpose.
The beginning or the early years that we had, all and all accumulating in their own sort of patterns and distributions for us to know what we want to do for ourselves, for our future. And by now, most people would already have a rough idea on their lives' purpose while some might even already known of it ages ago and are already half-way into achieving it. However, knowing or not knowing our purpose now, it is after being heavily influenced by our environment. It might help or it might close an eye not lending you a hand. I'll have to put it in such ways that most of the time, only the determined ones are able to receive the lending loan needed.
As for I myself, the lending hand has not reached me yet. I do not blame. As, even now, I'm still unaware of my own purpose. Would I want to set my purpose as to bring up my career to as far and as successful as possible? Would I want to set my purpose in other fames that I might be interested on? Would I set my purpose to just live day by day, minutes by minutes and of course every moment counts?
My inner-self is telling me, living on day by day on a regular routine would not get me satisfaction. My inner-self claims putting in some beats into my regular world would definitely brighten up my mundane world. My conscious tells me that I should live on as simple and as attentive as possible while cherishing every moment to build a proper and stable life. My conscious tells me too that in the world nowadays, being successful would definitely gives me the feeling of euphoria. What is success? For me, it's just being and doing better today than yesterday. My heart tells me that being happy for yourself is a success. The question comes back every time then, which way is what?
The feeling of purpose-less really does take its toll on people or at least for me. Knowing what I want to do would definitely make me feel better. Not knowing takes away the energy from me. Heartless to do, clueless on myself, drive-less to be happy.
I've known the happiness and the great feeling of having a purpose or at least know what to do before. I could only say that those times were the 2 years where I did my college. I have control of my desires and walkings. I do have a protocol that I would need to follow of course such as courses that I'll need to take. But at the same time, I was given the call to take up my very own like-able courses. One of the reasons I have loads of funny courses in my list but at least I know I want them. Having or knowing what you want is what I believe that sets you to be happy and to be yourself as what that 2 years in college have done to me. I was myself.
Posted by Jack at 12:38 PM 1 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
Monday, August 18, 2008
Lost Control
I woke up this morning~ duhhh!
I woke up this morning feeling weird (not those stickiness issue weird of course). I tried recalling my sleeping memories and came into the conclusion that I have indeed lost my special ability. I asked myself, "How could that happen? Now I won't get any special attentions anymore!"
Guess what my special ability is. It's the ability to control my dreams. I can actually at times control what I want to dream and how I want it to be! Shocked? Well, I don't suppose so as there are quite a few people whom I know that can accomplish this too. I still remember though from my Psychology class with Mrs. Singh (she's damn cool!) that there are people that can control their dreams and I was one of the 2 in the class that actually could (the other was Sin). She even asked us to describe how we control our dreams.
Here is how I used to do it!
When I was still a kid, I usually create dreams that I want. Usually it's from events that happen on the day that I don't find it having a good continuation or conclusion. So therefore, I dream! It's like entering into a player set and I'll be like I wanna dream this. And there it goes. From the dream I'll walk through from the beginning of the event and watch the plot unfolds. When I reach the part that I'll need to decide which course of plot to go on, I'll choose and if I don't like it, rewind and play another set of course! Rewind as much as I want to change the plot! The only thing I can't do is fast forward. So everything goes on real-time.
As I grew older, I was like, I'll drop the idea of creating my own dreams and let it happen in randomness. I'll only do the course changes and enjoy. So, if I'm dreaming of a random event or scene, I'll just let it happen and enjoy until I'm asked to decide how to continue. The same applies. Plus, when I come to parts that I really like, I'll just keep on replaying that part while sacrificing the answer to the ending.
Anyhow, I was having loads of dreams last night and there was one that was exciting and funny too. But somehow, as much as I wanted, I can't control the course or rewind anymore. Everything has taken its own gear. Damn!
Does this kind of control goes away with age (because we lose control to so many things as we grow older)?
*pondering ( ? .?)
Posted by Jack at 6:43 AM 2 comments
Labels: Jack's Grunts
Friday, August 15, 2008
Dedicated to booze
Where has it gone to?
Those night where we can just get booze in the house and savor it till our hearts content or till pissed drunk...
Seriously, such nights are in need!
Damn! I miss chilling and drinking sessions!
Posted by Jack at 12:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
A letter to someone
To someone,
I'm not sure who you are while you might be wondering who wrote this. Bear with me, as you read through the scripture written by someone of no importance.
I have left your port. A port where I have been anchoring my ship for a long time. Since as long as the kids down the street can remember. Since as long as I found this wonderful port. I set sailed once in awhile though not into a far distance. I return to the port that for me, seemed so much like a comfort nest. You fixed every board that was loosen. You gathered that many children around to listen to my grunts while weeping to my groans. There were times where the sea seemed so harsh to my ship and tore away my sail but coming back to your port makes it all fine again. The white sail changes color every time my ship anchors in as you would bring along your colored clothes to replace it. Times were such that my ship howls on the impossibility of sailing with these clothes but you changed them anyhow and the ship sails just fine.
Many waves have splashed the bay, we do not know how many. It was time for my ship and I to move on across the vast blue wonder. I'm a voyager not a stow-ager. Under the clear conscious of a brightly lit night, I set my white sail and started my long journey once again. Leaving your port that was once a home to me. For my ship, for myself. A place of solace.
Now, in the midst of a starry night, I once again hope that my battered ship is to be mend again by your port. How battered and worn out has it been since my ship sailed. The sea which has never cease to be harsh on my ship has tumbled it upside down and downward up. It is time for my ship to find a port once again. To rest, to be mend, and to be merry. Though I have lost my way to go back to your port.
The writer
Posted by Jack at 7:13 AM 2 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
Monday, August 11, 2008
Beyond Scandal
What does everyone loves? Scandals! I have nothing to blog about but I feel like writing something just to tell everyone I'm still alive. Maybe as I type, my brain might go dead and I'm just gonna create some scandals for myself or for others! Oh! One of the biggest scandal ever for me. It's been going on for sometime now but I decided to repeat it again just to let some to like "WTF!"
I'm going on single folks!
That's all!
Show me some "Wow!" people!!!
Anyway, I thought of something to talk on. What's better than to talk about other than what my cousin sister suggested not too long ago today. Beyond concert! For those who are either too high class or too "ulu" to not to know who is "Beyond", behold!
I thought they decided to go separate ways sometime ago but seemed like they're holding another concert for me on my homecoming. I haven't been to any of their concerts yet so this is gonna be the first! I do really hope that all 4 of them could sing again. Too bad that can never happen. If you don't know why, Google it!
Anyway, concert's gonna be on October 11th in Genting. Who ever wanna join us to go, do tell me yeah! We'll need to book tickets. So, make sure you confirm betul-betul or you'll still gonna pay even if you're not going! I can use the empty seat for my date then (free!). Haha. . .
Now my brain is really blank! Think I'm gonna retire early tonight.
See ya!
P.S.: To those who are like @.@ bout my earlier scandal, it's true ya know! Jack is having no lust (I think) at the moment now!
Posted by Jack at 6:49 AM 1 comments
Labels: Informational Grunts
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Lazy writing
Said I wanted to post something with related to fashion or impression. A minute ago when this page was loading, I thought of just putting in "Screw it!" but now that I have started typing, I feel like crapping some out!
I'm vain. Not to say that I must look good all the time (well, maybe) but I'm somewhere near there. Am not the type of person where I can manage having everyone see my "morning look" when I just got up from my sleep. I don't go around getting the latest trend and branded (maybe a few here and there) stuffs but whatever I get, I do hope that it looks good on me so that it gives people a somewhat "OK" impression on me especially people that I mingled with.
The truth is, this apply to every single person who wears clothes. What we wear will have an effect on the others around us. We wear to portray our individual esteems. Should I mix with the "lala" which is very popular in certain part of KL, then my clothings will of course focus more on the Eastern block. If I'm off the simple casual group, my clothings would of course be simple and casual (duh...). What I'm trying to say is, we wear certain styles so that we can portray who we are and who we are with. Not to forget, it also enables us to be different from the rest of the world. There's bound to be different. Maybe in the tops we're wearing, the pants, the shoes or even the underwear!
No doubt, it's good that we wear to show we are and where are we but never go overboard! We dress to leave a vague impression on ourselves to others. We do not dress to leave a permanent impression to others. Our good buddy, Gautama said, "Always follow the middle path! Don't go either ends! If there's something in the middle path, walk through it and you'll start shining brightly like a superstar just like me." Anyway, the thing is, we (or maybe just me) judge people through first impressions a lot of the time. Should this person's first impression is bad, try all he/she wants but we wouldn't accept it. Should it be good, we'll wait till it's bad. It's just that! Usually, first impression starts from the eyes. Our eyes are in front of our big, empty head which let us to see first. The first thing that we "see" of people is their dressings! That's where we start our biased judgment on everyone. By the time that person starts talking or mixing around with us, it is like an appeal session of impressions going on by using our ears, nose, mouth, and brain. However, what we see first already left a strong impression on a person. If our first impression of the fellow is bad and we don't know him/her, then there's no way for an appeal.
Wanted to crap more but very lazy already! Until more!
See ya people!
Posted by Jack at 6:35 AM 1 comments
Labels: Informational Grunts
Thursday, August 7, 2008
My job
Wow! I'm back to bitch more about myself! I'm too full of myself lately! Haha! I don't know why so don't ask!
Anyway, today I'm gonna talk about my job! JOB people! Yes! I'm working!
Started for nearly a week now. So fast and it's Friday already. Still can't get use to the waking up early though. Feels super cranky.
So, some description of my job. I'm an actuarial executive for now with an income of RM**** per month while expecting a salary increase in 2 months time. Yay! In the actuarial department, I'm under the Product Development team where by we manage the products of the company (will describe more of it when I'm more familiar with layman's term). I did the same job when I was doing my intern in Prudential a year ago (they didn't want to hire me back I think. Poor me!) whereby I did loads of product error and quotation program error checking. These few days I've been doing the same thing! You can say that I just love to find fault with everything. Can't sit around quietly and comply with the order. Besides being a find-fault type of person, I had a few general tasks (not photocopying stuffs. Thank god!) that is to do with technical calculations regarding some new and old products! I'm only describing what I did so far in brief as I don't want to make everyone to fall asleep!
Now! For the funnier part! A year ago, while I was doing my intern, I mentioned I was in the Product Development team as well. The thing is, although I was in that team, I was assigned to sit in a different place! My cube was situated with the Branding team which was like 2 rows of cubicles away! I'm an outcast! Damn! Back to reality and present time, the same thing happened! Although not as far as last time, I still sit differently from the rest of my team! People just hate me sitting next to them huh?! I actually sit across my current team but the area I'm in actually belongs to the non-actuarial part. I think it's something to do with claims. Not that I discriminate them but because I'm still new which makes me not to listen to any mp3s for now, I've been listening to investigations and confirmations bout claims made! Not sure what I'm talking about? I'm saying I'm listening to, "Siapa mati la? Kaki patah la. Cancer apa la?". Practically all the dreadful stuffs. Luckily I haven't gotten any nightmares yet!
Yet another "history repeats itself" sorta stuff is I was frequently exchanged into other teams during my intern sessions. I was transfered to the Finance for awhile, then to the pricing or valuation team (not too sure) for another period of time. And now, my GM called me into his room yesterday telling and apologizing to me saying that although during the interview he said he's gonna put me in the Product team but he'll need to change me to the Pricing team in 1-2 months time. This is because one of our colleague is leaving which leaves an empty spot in the pricing team. Seeing that I'm new (I'm not sure) and haven't really enter into a comfort zone for the Product team,I'm the best choice to replace him. He mentioned to me that he'll leave me under the guy (who's gonna leave) for him to teach me the necessary stuffs for his position. Not that I hate it to be transferred (I actually kinda like the Pricing team because somewhere in the word pricing, there's a tinge of coolness in it), but don't you all get the idea of me getting thrown around like a rugby ball? Anyway, hooray for me to be changed into a cool team (I think).
I mentioned in my last post that I have a new look and loads have been wondering how I look like. Like I said, I don't have any new pictures to post for now because my photographer has been busy to take a picture for me. Be patient ya! I know everyone's dying to see my good looking me!
Speaking of being vain here, I think I'm gonna write up on style and impression in my next post. Yee Ming had written something about these and has gotten quite a huge feedback from it. So, I'm just gonna hop along his footsteps and talk something related to it. Not that I'll follow exactly but something near there. Just wanna speak out what I think!
That's all the bitching from today!
See ya!
Posted by Jack at 6:50 AM 2 comments
Labels: Daytime Grunts
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Mixed feelings
Hey y'all! How's it going? Been pretty quiet around here don't you think! Well, except for the previous post's comments which were surprisingly unexpected! I guess my readers here love reading me bitching about others and me posing pictures of myself huh... Now I know!
Well, that's the main course for tonight. Guess what? I changed my looks! I've become much better looking as compared to the last pictures in the previous post. ( ^---^) How should I put it? I looked aged a little more now with this look at the same time keeping my smiley look! And I didn't say these out of my own mouth! My colleague just told me today someone said I'm good looking! ( ^---^)
Actually, the truth is, I didn't change my looks my having a make-over or what. I just changed my spectacles that's all! Haha... What were you all thinking?! I'll post up some pictures taken from my phone of my new spectacles but no picture of myself yet. Waiting for my photographer to take for me! Haha...
Another picture that I wanted to post today is the "assam gai choy" that I had the other day! Sorry Rain! It's all finished! Didn't leave any for you at all! Haha... When you come back, I'll ask my mom to TRY and cook for you. Haha! No promise though! Mom might be too busy for my SNOW White MAYBE~

The title of today's post is "Mixed Feelings". Got the idea from one of old novels called "Mixed Magic". From what you have read up until now in this post, I seemed pretty happy. Yes, I am! But at the same time, I'm feeling kinda drained out and empty. Maybe it's because I have started my job and am not use to waking up in the wee hours again! This makes me cranky every morning! Even before I wake up I feel that. It's gonna take some time before I stop cursing under my breath, "I'm gonna sleep through it!"
Empty? Why empty? Well, with everything now at a new turning point, things have just seemed so routine-sort! This slot of time to that slot of time is this, later is that! This is so unreal! In life, in my life, there's gotta be some stereo in some part! Not too often, don't be so mono daily. Oh well, maybe it's just the beginning (I certainly hope so). Maybe after I grasp my own life back more then I would be able to move my own rhythm . Some might be wondering, what mono and stereo is he talking about? Well, for those readers who are my friends and who knows me, you are in for a surprise! An example would be, I've come back for so long but I haven't even yum cha till late at night or clubbing yet! This is sick!
Mind you! I haven't been going out much too even before my job started! Been busy with studying for exam and following what my guilt-conscious says in sitting still at home (I can tell you this has really been a difficult part). Plus like I said, everyone's busy in their own things. Anyway, I must start to be "active" more or I'll go nuts!
Oh! For those in the U.S., there is something that I really missed in U.S.! Surprised? Haha... Me too! Well, the thing I missed most is spontaneous we get and just do it! Like thought of going to the movies and just go! Like the thought of just going out in a particular night and everyone just tags along. It's pretty hard to do it here (for me). Well, yeah!
Like I told most of the people I know, "Without friends, Jack is more or less like a soulless body!" I just love to hang out and talk like a chicken buttock (what sorta phrase is that? Chicken buttock! *Snort). Tonight is gonna be one of those nights for me where you listen to some ballads and oldies, thinking of nothingness or life or anything that pops into your mind first. Had loads of those nights in the U.S. too, most of the time is because Michelle sent her A-Idol's dubbed old songs to me which made me just wanna listen to the BETTER, original singers. Anyway, my all time favourite sappy song is "Careless Whisper" by none other than George Micheal!
Enjoy folks!
Posted by Jack at 6:37 AM 5 comments
Labels: Jack's Grunts
Sunday, August 3, 2008
The aroma of my mom's "Asam Gai-choy" is starting to fill up the entire house. How long have I not eaten this dish? Probably a year! Just how much I love this sourly spicy dish? Only those who have eaten with me when this dish is here knows. Meaning, family members would definitely know! This is the ultimate! Can't wait for tomorrow's dinner. I just hope that my bosses don't give me anything on my second day of work!
Oh! I bet lots of you are missing me and wondering how am I. So here's a picture which was taken not too long ago!I'm not sure when the photographer stole this shot of mine but it does look pretty good (maybe I'm just too good looking). Anyway, that was how I looked like 2 weeks ago! Wearing my Nike hood which Mario has one too! Different color though!
Back to grunting, I just realized this not too long ago (somewhere around this week), it's so lonely in Wangsa Maju area nowadays! Goodness! The only people left here who are free nowadays are either Aaron or David! Well, there are others who stays nearby in Section 4 or Rampai but they're just too busy! Is this what they called everyone moving on with their own lives? Can't we have some fun some of the time? Though the blame would still goes to people who left Wangsa Maju area! Let's see...
Yee Ming aka Eming left to HUKM in Cheras. Most of the time he's there delivering babies. He does come back here during the weekends but unlike ancients ago, Eming must now dedicate his time properly between his family (his mom and dad) and his another family (girlfriend). So, what's left would be better for him to just rest and chill out! Being a wa-lui-sei myself and also friends of mine are typically the same kind, can't blame you too much. Nevertheless, I'm still writing this out so that you might feel guilty (should you feel like it laaa).
Wei Yee aka Audrey moved on to stay in Taman Desa! Family reasons, I understand. But that's just too far and "mafan" away! Plus I doubt she will ever come back and visit again! Most of the time I assume would be me going to her area! Another version of her tortures on the poor writer aka ME! It was Thursday on that day and I suddenly thought of going to the night market. I was like, "Hey, I feel like going to pasar malam tonight! I'll call and ask if Wei Yee wants to go?" My mom gave me a weird look and I wondered why. As I took the phone and on the verge of pressing the call button, it hit me! "Damn! She doesn't live here anymore!"
Flora aka my dearest blur sister is in Scotland or Belgium or (God knows where) somewhere in Europe. Gosh! She keeps moving around and I'm losing track on her path! Haha. . . She's not really my sister as in blood-related but we have some very weird relation. Anyway, this is the best person to blame! I just love to put the blame on her! I doubt this unfilial sister of mine would be coming back to this lovely country soon or in some further future. She's not the type of people who is really attached to home. Plus, she found some "happiness" in Europe I dare say. Not that it's an irritation for me every time she talks about it but I have a feeling that is her only topic which she is 100% knowledgeable of. Oh well, at least we don't expect to see around the corner!
For those who is like, "Yay! He didn't scold me!", don't be too happy! I'm just not writing out your names because the people mentioned above are the major players in my entertainment book around here. So, major players are those tend to get more bitching from me! Kudos!
Luckily, I found a few new names to put into my log book for filling in my empty and inactive time-slots. Know who you are! Wait till I get my wheels and I'll start floating around hunting for entertainments!
That's all! Back to finishing my Train Man. I'm suppose to read up company policies or something but oh well!
Posted by Jack at 8:07 AM 35 comments
Labels: Jack's Grunts
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Tenacity is just not here
Am supposed to blog something tonight but the mood is just not there!
It's something to do with having money!
I hope I get my paycheck soon!
There's so many things to buy!
So many things to do!
So many things to say!
Oh well... Everything can wait!
Posted by Jack at 10:53 AM 1 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
Thursday, July 31, 2008
One... Two... ... Nine!
This post is gonna be a full rantings session!
I'm damn tired actually. Somehow or rather my body feels tired, my mind feels tired but I don't wanna go sleep now and wake up in the middle of the night cursing, "Damn it!" I'm gonna start my new job tomorrow so it's best to show a fresh impression on the first day. Later days, we'll see!!! :P
Did lots of stuffs today. Woke up late (probably around 11am) and went out straight after I came out from the shower (of course I dried myself up and putting on some clothes). First stop, mom's office because she forgot to clear some of her stuffs yesterday. Second stop, bank because mom needed to do some banking. Third stop, was lunch. Delicious "mee rebus"! That was satisfying! Fourth stop, auntie's house because my dad's helping my cousin for his air-ticket to Canada. He's gonna go to Canada in the middle of August for his studies. I come back, he leave! Does it make sense? NO! He's gonna have his farewell party tomorrow night and he said he's gonna intro some "friends" to me! Woohoo! I think he wants me to take care of his "friends". Haha... Fifth stop, Mr. Yong's (Dad's friend) house because there were some pictures of Eastern Europe trip that were in his laptop which we needed to copy.Sixth stop, and by far the best, my another cousin brother's place to book for my new car! Yay! As for what car it is, try guessing! Aaron! We're gonna drive behind the same wheels! Car's gonna be ready by September I think. So for those who wanna book me, please tell my secretary (I've yet to interview one). Seventh stop was the optician. I'm getting a new pair of spectacles! Still don't dare to try contact lenses but good also since my "san gwong" (aesthete...correct me if this is wrong) is still there (damn it!). I'm gonna look nerdier! I hope not! Haha... For everyone's info, I have the same optician as Mahathir! Haha... Eighth stop, dinner! Yummy is the word! Taste and description, everyone has their say right! Ninth and final stop is home! To shower, to poo, to online and rant about my day!
The end!
Posted by Jack at 7:10 AM 3 comments
Labels: Daytime Grunts
Monday, July 28, 2008
Everyone hates Monday!!! Well, maybe some do love it depending on who you are (though I would say you belong to the minority). Anyway, let's just make things easier for me by saying everyone hates Monday.
I used to hate Monday too! Before I graduated of course! Sunday tends to end faster and next thing I do know is, "Shit! Its Monday and I'm still having a hangover." Well, no matter how much I do rant or bitch about Monday, it still comes every week! The only lucky guy who doesn't really care bout Monday then was Wilson (you know why) but now that he's working, I bet he hates it too (or maybe not...).
Anyhow, after graduation, Monday has become less hateful to me since everyday is a holiday! I still have some unfinished jest on it though because when Monday comes, everyone is busy with work or studies! To those who are working, (sigh~) I'll be joining you soon. To those who are studying, you should all have skipped classes to accompany me! Just kidding~
Oh yeah! I'll be actually starting my job this Friday! Wow! That's way too fast right? I agree! But loitering around when everyone's busy isn't that much of a fun actually. Gonna be a 8.30am till 5.30pm (or later...) kind of person. This is so not me! Life should just be living your way through happily! I'm bitching because I don't like working in a 2 by 2 cube! That's life, mate!
For the post-graduate break, should I put as being fruitful, productive, eventful, dull, exciting or all those words you use to describe holidays? Well, eventful, kinda I guess although there weren't many events happening or me joining as in before. Think the break (not counting Eastern Europe trip of course) is kinda for me to relax myself up and study (Oh yeah! P stands for Passed). I've been a good boy relaxing and working my ass off at times. Seriously, I haven't even club yet until now! Konon-nye lots of wrong timing and takde kaki. My pu-mo-mo cousin sister "gold-basin-wash-hand" which is why my main "leg" for clubbing on techno or trance or house music is cut-off-ed. Most surprisingly, I didn't even start much on my food hunting. With all those stuffs going on and petrol price increasing, its been kinda hard. Another major reason is no food-kaki who stays nearby. You know who you are so make sure you faster get your ass here! Not to say I haven't savor anything at all but not to everyone who knows what I would do punye expectations.
Should be high-time I post up some pictures from my Eastern Europe trip, been lingering for awhile now and I'm still not done filtering them (I didn't touch the pictures for ages). Don't ask much for my pictures of me back in KL. Not really a camera-carrier person, so I don't cam-whore much. Some of the friends did take some shots of me so am just gonna wait till they send to me or see it on Facebook. Oh! Girls who were in my car the night we (rather me the driver) kept getting lost and stole some hideous shots of me, do gimme yeah!
Am not good as most people in describing the pictures (where, when, what, why), so I'm just gonna put some captions while you all imagine the rest. I lack patience in these. Ask me to describe it to you face-to-face no problem. That's the only choice so call me, "for a date!" (Ladies only!)
We end here tonight!
Posted by Jack at 6:38 AM 4 comments
Labels: Pictures Grunts, Vacation Grunts
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The Dark Knight is FUCKing AWESOME!
Just watched the Dark Knight last night!!! Finally~~~
What can I say?
Not Batman though. . .
Though Batman's sonar thingy is awesome too!
Will bitch more bout it in the next post!
See ya!
Posted by Jack at 12:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: Informational Grunts
Friday, July 25, 2008
Love and Lust
The Debut
Is love a subset of lust or rather is lust a subset of love? Sometimes people might wonder what they are really feeling; are they lusting for the bonding with someone or are they "lusting" for someone's love? What am I talking about? I'm not even sure of it myself. If I do, I would be living up in the mountains while having people climbing to the top asking me for the answer. So, this is for all to ponder!
My knowing
Lust. A popular word. Usually associated with sexual thoughts by many but is really that shallow of a word? Lust to me would mean temptations. I'm tempted by something or by someone, therefore I lust to have it. It might last long or short I do not know. It depends.
Love. Another yet even more popular of a word. People speak of it everyday. However, love is yet another form of temptation too. A stronger temptation would be it. A stronger temptation where you would feel willingly to succeed it. Temptations and ambitions. Rings a bell anywhere? Though in lust, I might feel bad of not achieving it, in love, I'll never feel good in long times should I don't get it.
My scenario
Lust. In every occasion, every place, every crowd, every time, there would be people. Among those people there might be someone, one or a few, who stands out more in front of your bedazzled eyes. You just can't help noticing them. Call it stalking, call it chemistry sparks (one or two-sided) but you would surely without fail try to associate yourself more with that side should chances shines brightly on you or your own iron grip to pursue.
Love. In every occasion, every place, every crowd, every time, there would be only that someone that stood out to your focused eyes. Better jewels might be sparkling but it won't last long. Your trance just goes back to the beat of that person. Surely, this time I would be my best being next to the person.
My dream
Lust. A lusty dream. Everyone would be delighted to get one. It releases tension that might have built up inside. How long can we remember or feel this lust? You can answer that.
Love. A lovely dream. Again, everyone would be delighted to get one. It soothes your thought of reality. Or does it happen in reality too? You hope and still taste the sweetness or bitterness of that lovely dream.
My loneliness
Lust. Companions next to you. As a verb, to take away time that sometimes come in extras. You do all sort of things hoping that time passes slower since the temptation lingers long in you to do that again, not knowing when you can.
Love. Companions next to you. As an adverb, for me to describe out what I want to list out in my never-ending stories of life. You do all sort of things though preferring not to do any but watches time passing by slowly and serenely. However, at a corner, you do hope that it could pass on even slower.
My confession
Lust. Do you need to confess your lust? Yes, you do. When you have a need that only by confession can you fulfill your lust. You confess of your longing to satisfy your need. Confession makes things seemed so easy. However, lust, confessions are to be done with the correct timing and attitude. You do not expect to get feed if you confess your hunger in a library don't you. Attitude leads us into another part of a story but I believe everyone will understand.
Love. Do you need to confess your love? Yes, you do but less. Should it be a daily confession of love, will it be love anymore or a mere habit? I myself has not confess love for a long time now. We love, we care, we indulge. Should it to be done, do it with a sense of purpose behind. Confession of love without a hidden agenda is just like confessing lust to people.
My status
Lust. I'm standing here now.
Love. I always thought I stood here.
End of Debut
Posted by Jack at 10:35 AM 3 comments
Labels: Jack's Grunts
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Densha Otoko aka Train Man
This is gonna be my first post on novels! Yay! A good start!As the name implies: Train Man or rather in Japanese its called "Densha Otoko".
This novel resolves a geek who save a bunch of people from being harassed in train and ending up dating one of the girls. As a geek (not hard feelings), he's 0 in dating as his age is equals the number of years he didn't date (imagine that!). So therefore, he gets guidance from what's he is best at. Computers and the Internet! There's a forum he goes to and he got his helps from his anonymous friends. Anyway, I'm still half way through this book but it's a great book for light reading and to relax! For those who might even be searching for assistance in dating, this book actually does help (*hint hint...).
“Train Man” teaches us the power of community in helping love triumph over geekdom.
I got the above phrase from the net which I think basically telling people what's its really about on the book. Oh yeah! There's even a movie and a drama series on this too since it is an international best seller. Anyway, what I do like about this book is that it's not like your normal novel where everything is in paragraphs and dialogs. The way the author put it in the book is actually in a web forum style which is interesting to read with all those short-hands and emoticons we usually use on our MSN or forum chats.
Here's a sample:
I think I'll watch the movie once I finish reading the book!
Posted by Jack at 9:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: Informational Grunts
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Screwed up!
Its midnight! Again!
Well, I'm still alive!
Have been uber busy with god-knows-what-I-do!
I'll just put it in my usual tempo: I screwed up! Though not sure what I screwed up, I have a feeling I screwed up something!
Oh yeah! I'm starting to feel the I-should-not-have-declare-to-continue-single-life syndrome right now due to some utmost secretive reasons!
Posted by Jack at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Its midnight and I'm going to sleep soon! But before I start lying down on my bed and start dreaming, I wanna tell everyone this:
Though I'm not sure how short or long the trip is, I'm planning it now! Note that short means 2 weeks while long means a month! Gosh! The way I'm saying it is like I'm not gonna work!
Anyway, I do wanna go using the backpacking style! Who's interested?
Posted by Jack at 11:51 AM 3 comments
Labels: Informational Grunts
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Hammering Thoughts That Should Be Typed Out
Just finished the series "Forensic Heroes II" after a week's chase. Kinda lagged behind cause I had to wait for mom's free time! Anyway, a typical TVB series which will definitely set all viewers in motion just like any other. So, do watch it if you're interested. I don't usually have any bad reviews on stuffs I watch (except for Harry Potter movies though I still catch them when it's out) since I throw away 90% of all my sense of logics and rational. I could probably say whether the movie or drama or cartoon or anything on screen is awesome to watch or good to watch or for entertainment maybe or watch it when all the good ones are done. So no harm to the producers there right! *wink
Anyway, fellow readers who watched the "Forensic Heroes II" already and know details on it, do leave a comment here telling me what's the name of the song that comes out for every relationship scenes! Thanks!
I went to Clique Lounge with a bunch of friends (not really a bunch since there's only 4 I know) last night because it just opened (typical KL-ians to go to any new spots to chill). The short review I would give is that its not a bad place to chill out and have a cocktail or two with friends should mamak doesn't sound too appealing at certain nights. Though keep it mind only to chill and have a drink. Definitely wouldn't go there should you feel hyper and wanna start dancing with every partner you can get. But I definitely saw good looking ones in the lounge last night (note that I'm only referring to the girls in the lounge) so should you feel moody and wanna get to know some new people, its not a bad place to try out. Oh, the place is in Piccolo Hotel where the Piccolo Mondo used to be in Bukit Bintang.
After some booze (which I needed after some time), we head out to watch Hellboy II! Spoilers ahead! Not too much spoilers too kill ya off but I would say expect to go there for a laugh rather than the action! Oh! Make sure you notice the penis during the show! Had a good laugh on that scene !@#$% (definitely under the influence of alcohol)
I just realized my alcohol tolerance has went down quite a bit. Not to say that I have a high tolerance for alcohol but fairly okay to keep myself sane after some drinks. After thinking back a little, I would say it definitely had gone down compared to when I was in the States.
To all readers, especially those who were fairly exposed to my long delayed of "Love and Lust" posting, I finally have clues on what I think I wanna write about. Now I'll just need more information to add on the posting that I wanna put!
Initially I wanted to talk about my reputation on being a true "wai lui sei" but was having writer's block on what I really wanted to explain about. Somehow, I really live to my reputation! Proud of it! Though still a WLS, I think I wanna pull back some of the essence and live low for a moment. Surprised? Me too! It's just one of my "bu neng shuo de mi mi"s and I think it's wise of me to do this now. Though I will still keep a lookout for pretty ladies on the street or anywhere, but just gonna keep it to a bare minimum!
Nights people!
Posted by Jack at 9:48 AM 1 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
Friday, July 11, 2008
Desperate House-moment
Its midnight and I'm boreddddd.........
What's worse? Its a Friday NIGHTTTTTT!!!!!
I'm supposed to be out but here I am making blog post!
Well, Wei Yee did ask me whether I wanna go Icebar or not but I ain't getting any reply from here after that! Typical of her though! :p
Anyway, my room television is actually on now and I'm catching glimpse of Desperate Housewives. Never really follow the series but this is not right!
I want to live up some of my own life. Really, since I came back I haven't really been doing anything that I wanted without glitches coming up. Plus why do I feel like I don't get the feeling of being a 22.
Man, this is a night of frustration. Maybe I'll just need to get a job and everything will be more okay to my half. When I get the salary, when I get the ........ (just too many to list down)
The exam, the job applications, the too much of staying INDOOR, the restless sleep, the bu neng shuo de mi mi, the urge of going to the club and just dancing while boozing myself of, the too much of "be careful and safe" kinda environment and loads more I think. . .
Those kinda stuffs are bad for people in my age I dare say!
Note: I think I just need to get drunk and be done with it!
P.S.: The job interviews I had so far are okay I think!
Posted by Jack at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Graduation III - Pictures
Sorry for the delay! As usual, I'm the king of all delays! Enjoy!
Posted by Jack at 9:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: Pictures Grunts