Health issue? Oh my God! Our author is sick? Shit! What should we do? Is he okay? Is he gonna continue posting up his sexy grunts and funny groans? We should him send him some flowers (from the sickbed: I'll prefer money for medical fees)!
Fear not! Worry not! But all the reasons you should care for! Your author is not sick or anything. Maybe alittle love sick (as usual: I just love everyone... Girls I mean) but no major huge issues people! Haha...

Though for this issue I am gonna post up something related to health. My health check-up that is! Haha... I'm not a doctor therefore am lazy or not qualified to speak my behalf on matters regarding health and stuffs. If I'm gonna post up something related to those I bet, bet heavily too, that supposed to be posting gonna get a bombard of comments from my fellow doctor readers; Yee Ming, Stella, Jean and Caryn (anymore doctors that I have accidentally left out), pointing out my irrelevances and ignorance on that medical issue. Doctors! The only thing that they won't lose to a lawyer in terms of speech is on medical issues! Still, I'm rebellious! Am gonna post up some of my placebo beliefs and methods should I experience or recall any in due time. Don't nag! Some or I should say most of you have been living with the very same "placebo" beliefs up till now! Plus, I'm one of the bigger drug store in my U.S. community after Seth of course!
I should be grunting on my medical check-up! Poor memory! Yes! I did a blood test last Saturday in Pantai Bangsar (pretty far more my own residence huh) and also a brief check-up before I took on my job bout a month and a half ago. What can I say! All my checkers said that I'm perfectly healthy! Healthy! Yay! Was pretty worried of my own health in general as I lack exercising nowadays plus having irregular heaert-burn at times (since my younger years too). Anyhow, was wondering whether I have any high cholestrol or sugar high (or low) but results came out saying that I'm perfectly normal. Not to forget that the nurse told my mom (oh! This place I went for was my mom's doctor for breast check-up. Mom's been a loyal patient since the age 17! Would definitly recommend the doctor to all my female friends! Quote from the doctor with alittle modification while still bringing the same meaning, "Check your boobies! Don't know how to? I know!")... Guess that paranthesis was abit too long so am gonna repeat again.
Not to forget that the nurse told my mom that I have a superly high antibody for Hepathatis B in my blood with a "rating" of 1000 (mom's only 64 so I guess it is pretty high. Explain on this Docs!). However, my immunity for Hepathatis A is 0! She recommended me to shots (aint my usual tequila shots ( * . *) ) before I go travelling next time. Gonna go to Penang on November! Do I need the shot then? Hmmm. . . Haha. . .
Am gonna show some pictures of my new "wife" hopefully by the next post! Not the human wife (though I myself wish it to be. Soon! Gotta do it!) but the engine-type wife. My FairLady! I wish! Still... My Honda "Bandar"! Next issue though. This issue is gonna be on my new residence! Behold!
The ceiling!
My wine (*ahem) collections are gonna be here!
The living room!
The dining hall and kitchen! And bar top!
The love chair? Suspension enough or not?
Spoiler: These are pictures taken from the show house though! Haha! Though something near this at 99% confidence interval should take place! Do donate me some dough please!
Back to health issues: To a certain secretive someone: Get well soon!
1st to post up!!
Usually Hep B antibodies are required to be above 50 to be sufficient in its protective capability. Those below 50 would be advised to be jabbed while those borderline cases... no comments.
How I know? I just check mine from the HUKM database, which I had my blood taken for HIV and Hep B testing 2 years back. Mine was around 400. I've checked many of my coursemates and they range from nil to >1000. (Yea, anything more than 1k, they put >1000) Don't worry, usually it just mean that you'd a Hep B jab quite recently, maybe a few years back.
But well, it depends on individual. My 400 level was from the jab I'd taken 10 years back. Keke..
no recollection of having taken any jabs at all!!! I'm human production of Hep. B immunity! YAY!
it's the sign of the alzheimer's, dude!! :P
woi dun tell me u're leaving SETAPAK???? how can THAT BE?
- the setapak girl -
-setapak girl-
Don't worry! It's just another extra 5minutes! Won't be any problem for our setapak plans! Come back faster ehh...
-setapak boy-
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