This post is gonna be a full rantings session!
I'm damn tired actually. Somehow or rather my body feels tired, my mind feels tired but I don't wanna go sleep now and wake up in the middle of the night cursing, "Damn it!" I'm gonna start my new job tomorrow so it's best to show a fresh impression on the first day. Later days, we'll see!!! :P
Did lots of stuffs today. Woke up late (probably around 11am) and went out straight after I came out from the shower (of course I dried myself up and putting on some clothes). First stop, mom's office because she forgot to clear some of her stuffs yesterday. Second stop, bank because mom needed to do some banking. Third stop, was lunch. Delicious "mee rebus"! That was satisfying! Fourth stop, auntie's house because my dad's helping my cousin for his air-ticket to Canada. He's gonna go to Canada in the middle of August for his studies. I come back, he leave! Does it make sense? NO! He's gonna have his farewell party tomorrow night and he said he's gonna intro some "friends" to me! Woohoo! I think he wants me to take care of his "friends". Haha... Fifth stop, Mr. Yong's (Dad's friend) house because there were some pictures of Eastern Europe trip that were in his laptop which we needed to copy.Sixth stop, and by far the best, my another cousin brother's place to book for my new car! Yay! As for what car it is, try guessing! Aaron! We're gonna drive behind the same wheels! Car's gonna be ready by September I think. So for those who wanna book me, please tell my secretary (I've yet to interview one). Seventh stop was the optician. I'm getting a new pair of spectacles! Still don't dare to try contact lenses but good also since my "san gwong" (aesthete...correct me if this is wrong) is still there (damn it!). I'm gonna look nerdier! I hope not! Haha... For everyone's info, I have the same optician as Mahathir! Haha... Eighth stop, dinner! Yummy is the word! Taste and description, everyone has their say right! Ninth and final stop is home! To shower, to poo, to online and rant about my day!
The end!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
One... Two... ... Nine!
Posted by Jack at 7:10 AM 3 comments
Labels: Daytime Grunts
Monday, July 28, 2008
Everyone hates Monday!!! Well, maybe some do love it depending on who you are (though I would say you belong to the minority). Anyway, let's just make things easier for me by saying everyone hates Monday.
I used to hate Monday too! Before I graduated of course! Sunday tends to end faster and next thing I do know is, "Shit! Its Monday and I'm still having a hangover." Well, no matter how much I do rant or bitch about Monday, it still comes every week! The only lucky guy who doesn't really care bout Monday then was Wilson (you know why) but now that he's working, I bet he hates it too (or maybe not...).
Anyhow, after graduation, Monday has become less hateful to me since everyday is a holiday! I still have some unfinished jest on it though because when Monday comes, everyone is busy with work or studies! To those who are working, (sigh~) I'll be joining you soon. To those who are studying, you should all have skipped classes to accompany me! Just kidding~
Oh yeah! I'll be actually starting my job this Friday! Wow! That's way too fast right? I agree! But loitering around when everyone's busy isn't that much of a fun actually. Gonna be a 8.30am till 5.30pm (or later...) kind of person. This is so not me! Life should just be living your way through happily! I'm bitching because I don't like working in a 2 by 2 cube! That's life, mate!
For the post-graduate break, should I put as being fruitful, productive, eventful, dull, exciting or all those words you use to describe holidays? Well, eventful, kinda I guess although there weren't many events happening or me joining as in before. Think the break (not counting Eastern Europe trip of course) is kinda for me to relax myself up and study (Oh yeah! P stands for Passed). I've been a good boy relaxing and working my ass off at times. Seriously, I haven't even club yet until now! Konon-nye lots of wrong timing and takde kaki. My pu-mo-mo cousin sister "gold-basin-wash-hand" which is why my main "leg" for clubbing on techno or trance or house music is cut-off-ed. Most surprisingly, I didn't even start much on my food hunting. With all those stuffs going on and petrol price increasing, its been kinda hard. Another major reason is no food-kaki who stays nearby. You know who you are so make sure you faster get your ass here! Not to say I haven't savor anything at all but not to everyone who knows what I would do punye expectations.
Should be high-time I post up some pictures from my Eastern Europe trip, been lingering for awhile now and I'm still not done filtering them (I didn't touch the pictures for ages). Don't ask much for my pictures of me back in KL. Not really a camera-carrier person, so I don't cam-whore much. Some of the friends did take some shots of me so am just gonna wait till they send to me or see it on Facebook. Oh! Girls who were in my car the night we (rather me the driver) kept getting lost and stole some hideous shots of me, do gimme yeah!
Am not good as most people in describing the pictures (where, when, what, why), so I'm just gonna put some captions while you all imagine the rest. I lack patience in these. Ask me to describe it to you face-to-face no problem. That's the only choice so call me, "for a date!" (Ladies only!)
We end here tonight!
Posted by Jack at 6:38 AM 4 comments
Labels: Pictures Grunts, Vacation Grunts
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The Dark Knight is FUCKing AWESOME!
Just watched the Dark Knight last night!!! Finally~~~
What can I say?
Not Batman though. . .
Though Batman's sonar thingy is awesome too!
Will bitch more bout it in the next post!
See ya!
Posted by Jack at 12:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: Informational Grunts
Friday, July 25, 2008
Love and Lust
The Debut
Is love a subset of lust or rather is lust a subset of love? Sometimes people might wonder what they are really feeling; are they lusting for the bonding with someone or are they "lusting" for someone's love? What am I talking about? I'm not even sure of it myself. If I do, I would be living up in the mountains while having people climbing to the top asking me for the answer. So, this is for all to ponder!
My knowing
Lust. A popular word. Usually associated with sexual thoughts by many but is really that shallow of a word? Lust to me would mean temptations. I'm tempted by something or by someone, therefore I lust to have it. It might last long or short I do not know. It depends.
Love. Another yet even more popular of a word. People speak of it everyday. However, love is yet another form of temptation too. A stronger temptation would be it. A stronger temptation where you would feel willingly to succeed it. Temptations and ambitions. Rings a bell anywhere? Though in lust, I might feel bad of not achieving it, in love, I'll never feel good in long times should I don't get it.
My scenario
Lust. In every occasion, every place, every crowd, every time, there would be people. Among those people there might be someone, one or a few, who stands out more in front of your bedazzled eyes. You just can't help noticing them. Call it stalking, call it chemistry sparks (one or two-sided) but you would surely without fail try to associate yourself more with that side should chances shines brightly on you or your own iron grip to pursue.
Love. In every occasion, every place, every crowd, every time, there would be only that someone that stood out to your focused eyes. Better jewels might be sparkling but it won't last long. Your trance just goes back to the beat of that person. Surely, this time I would be my best being next to the person.
My dream
Lust. A lusty dream. Everyone would be delighted to get one. It releases tension that might have built up inside. How long can we remember or feel this lust? You can answer that.
Love. A lovely dream. Again, everyone would be delighted to get one. It soothes your thought of reality. Or does it happen in reality too? You hope and still taste the sweetness or bitterness of that lovely dream.
My loneliness
Lust. Companions next to you. As a verb, to take away time that sometimes come in extras. You do all sort of things hoping that time passes slower since the temptation lingers long in you to do that again, not knowing when you can.
Love. Companions next to you. As an adverb, for me to describe out what I want to list out in my never-ending stories of life. You do all sort of things though preferring not to do any but watches time passing by slowly and serenely. However, at a corner, you do hope that it could pass on even slower.
My confession
Lust. Do you need to confess your lust? Yes, you do. When you have a need that only by confession can you fulfill your lust. You confess of your longing to satisfy your need. Confession makes things seemed so easy. However, lust, confessions are to be done with the correct timing and attitude. You do not expect to get feed if you confess your hunger in a library don't you. Attitude leads us into another part of a story but I believe everyone will understand.
Love. Do you need to confess your love? Yes, you do but less. Should it be a daily confession of love, will it be love anymore or a mere habit? I myself has not confess love for a long time now. We love, we care, we indulge. Should it to be done, do it with a sense of purpose behind. Confession of love without a hidden agenda is just like confessing lust to people.
My status
Lust. I'm standing here now.
Love. I always thought I stood here.
End of Debut
Posted by Jack at 10:35 AM 3 comments
Labels: Jack's Grunts
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Densha Otoko aka Train Man
This is gonna be my first post on novels! Yay! A good start!As the name implies: Train Man or rather in Japanese its called "Densha Otoko".
This novel resolves a geek who save a bunch of people from being harassed in train and ending up dating one of the girls. As a geek (not hard feelings), he's 0 in dating as his age is equals the number of years he didn't date (imagine that!). So therefore, he gets guidance from what's he is best at. Computers and the Internet! There's a forum he goes to and he got his helps from his anonymous friends. Anyway, I'm still half way through this book but it's a great book for light reading and to relax! For those who might even be searching for assistance in dating, this book actually does help (*hint hint...).
“Train Man” teaches us the power of community in helping love triumph over geekdom.
I got the above phrase from the net which I think basically telling people what's its really about on the book. Oh yeah! There's even a movie and a drama series on this too since it is an international best seller. Anyway, what I do like about this book is that it's not like your normal novel where everything is in paragraphs and dialogs. The way the author put it in the book is actually in a web forum style which is interesting to read with all those short-hands and emoticons we usually use on our MSN or forum chats.
Here's a sample:
I think I'll watch the movie once I finish reading the book!
Posted by Jack at 9:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: Informational Grunts
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Screwed up!
Its midnight! Again!
Well, I'm still alive!
Have been uber busy with god-knows-what-I-do!
I'll just put it in my usual tempo: I screwed up! Though not sure what I screwed up, I have a feeling I screwed up something!
Oh yeah! I'm starting to feel the I-should-not-have-declare-to-continue-single-life syndrome right now due to some utmost secretive reasons!
Posted by Jack at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Its midnight and I'm going to sleep soon! But before I start lying down on my bed and start dreaming, I wanna tell everyone this:
Though I'm not sure how short or long the trip is, I'm planning it now! Note that short means 2 weeks while long means a month! Gosh! The way I'm saying it is like I'm not gonna work!
Anyway, I do wanna go using the backpacking style! Who's interested?
Posted by Jack at 11:51 AM 3 comments
Labels: Informational Grunts
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Hammering Thoughts That Should Be Typed Out
Just finished the series "Forensic Heroes II" after a week's chase. Kinda lagged behind cause I had to wait for mom's free time! Anyway, a typical TVB series which will definitely set all viewers in motion just like any other. So, do watch it if you're interested. I don't usually have any bad reviews on stuffs I watch (except for Harry Potter movies though I still catch them when it's out) since I throw away 90% of all my sense of logics and rational. I could probably say whether the movie or drama or cartoon or anything on screen is awesome to watch or good to watch or for entertainment maybe or watch it when all the good ones are done. So no harm to the producers there right! *wink
Anyway, fellow readers who watched the "Forensic Heroes II" already and know details on it, do leave a comment here telling me what's the name of the song that comes out for every relationship scenes! Thanks!
I went to Clique Lounge with a bunch of friends (not really a bunch since there's only 4 I know) last night because it just opened (typical KL-ians to go to any new spots to chill). The short review I would give is that its not a bad place to chill out and have a cocktail or two with friends should mamak doesn't sound too appealing at certain nights. Though keep it mind only to chill and have a drink. Definitely wouldn't go there should you feel hyper and wanna start dancing with every partner you can get. But I definitely saw good looking ones in the lounge last night (note that I'm only referring to the girls in the lounge) so should you feel moody and wanna get to know some new people, its not a bad place to try out. Oh, the place is in Piccolo Hotel where the Piccolo Mondo used to be in Bukit Bintang.
After some booze (which I needed after some time), we head out to watch Hellboy II! Spoilers ahead! Not too much spoilers too kill ya off but I would say expect to go there for a laugh rather than the action! Oh! Make sure you notice the penis during the show! Had a good laugh on that scene !@#$% (definitely under the influence of alcohol)
I just realized my alcohol tolerance has went down quite a bit. Not to say that I have a high tolerance for alcohol but fairly okay to keep myself sane after some drinks. After thinking back a little, I would say it definitely had gone down compared to when I was in the States.
To all readers, especially those who were fairly exposed to my long delayed of "Love and Lust" posting, I finally have clues on what I think I wanna write about. Now I'll just need more information to add on the posting that I wanna put!
Initially I wanted to talk about my reputation on being a true "wai lui sei" but was having writer's block on what I really wanted to explain about. Somehow, I really live to my reputation! Proud of it! Though still a WLS, I think I wanna pull back some of the essence and live low for a moment. Surprised? Me too! It's just one of my "bu neng shuo de mi mi"s and I think it's wise of me to do this now. Though I will still keep a lookout for pretty ladies on the street or anywhere, but just gonna keep it to a bare minimum!
Nights people!
Posted by Jack at 9:48 AM 1 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
Friday, July 11, 2008
Desperate House-moment
Its midnight and I'm boreddddd.........
What's worse? Its a Friday NIGHTTTTTT!!!!!
I'm supposed to be out but here I am making blog post!
Well, Wei Yee did ask me whether I wanna go Icebar or not but I ain't getting any reply from here after that! Typical of her though! :p
Anyway, my room television is actually on now and I'm catching glimpse of Desperate Housewives. Never really follow the series but this is not right!
I want to live up some of my own life. Really, since I came back I haven't really been doing anything that I wanted without glitches coming up. Plus why do I feel like I don't get the feeling of being a 22.
Man, this is a night of frustration. Maybe I'll just need to get a job and everything will be more okay to my half. When I get the salary, when I get the ........ (just too many to list down)
The exam, the job applications, the too much of staying INDOOR, the restless sleep, the bu neng shuo de mi mi, the urge of going to the club and just dancing while boozing myself of, the too much of "be careful and safe" kinda environment and loads more I think. . .
Those kinda stuffs are bad for people in my age I dare say!
Note: I think I just need to get drunk and be done with it!
P.S.: The job interviews I had so far are okay I think!
Posted by Jack at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Graduation III - Pictures
Sorry for the delay! As usual, I'm the king of all delays! Enjoy!
Posted by Jack at 9:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: Pictures Grunts
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Graduation III
Hellooo. . .
I actually found some empty slots in my somehow self-declared "tight" schedule to post up pictures and posting with regard to my graduation which happened 2 MONTHS AGO!!!
Sorry peepz but I don't know why I feel so busy although I'm not really entirely. Anyway, why don't I try to update everyone on any updates that pop out from my mind right now?
Lets see. . . I'm job-hunting right now and am gonna attend an interview on Wednesday noon with GE. Mind you GE stands for Great Eastern not General Electric as that was what Shawn, Wei Yee and Daniel thought of at first hear last night! Why would they thought of General Electrics when its not even a popular (I think) in Malaysia? Beats me to find out. Anyway, I'm trying as hard as possible to meet up with friends that I "dumped" here in KL when I went back to the States last year so to those whom I haven't meet up with do bare with the waitings yeah!
I wouldn't have thought that I have graduated in May and its already July now! Time does travel in its own pace huh. I wished it followed mine. Friends in U.S. getting their jobs and leading a different path now (Congrats to Wilson for getting his dream job far far away from the other Midwest gang), and me applying companies by companies on what ever I can grab. Mind you, I still don't really know what I wanna do even till now. The solution is therefore getting what I can get and try to establish from there. Luckily, I will be learning some rather interesting new stuffs soon (I hope) and its something which I had actually been yearning to learn since I was a small kid (something like at the age of 7). To those who wandering what's that about try guessing! Though I doubt you will be able to find out. I did mention new stuffs (note the s) and one of the new things that I have develop some kinda keen interest in is photography. Don't get too surprised and start thinking that I would get a big camera and all those fancy lenses now! Hold your imaginations. I had some basics in photography before thanks to my dad who taught me all about the important pieces that I need to know in order to take pictures that are worth it (I doubt mine is worth anything), so what I plan to do now is actually try to develop an "eye" or rather a knack for taking pictures from different perspective and angles. So, it will gonna be a long time until I'll get something better as a camera as I intend to play along with old camera for now (playing with the basics that my camera can offer). A few that I know have been giving me advices lately telling me to play along with my camera first before doing a huge leap like normally people do which is why I'm gonna take that advice.
Anyhow, seemed like I have been talking non-stop about myself huh. . . I really wanted to talk something about graduation and friends in the U.S. but I'm really outdated on what's new! UPDATE ME! ! !
About graduation, Drake's graduation is never anything on the fancy side during the whole commencement ceremony so imagine a dull procession going on. What did surprise me was the speech given by the Student Body President which was really up-lifting and cheerful which made the event seemed better than usual (I have attended a total of 3 commencements in Drake). Anyhow, typical of Malaysian students to blast their cameras out to take as any photos as possible after the commencement event with their friends and families. I do think that none would actually thought of everyone has been there throughout all these time and gonna move on towards their own directions the very next moment when everything ends. We do think that we are taking photos for our memories of everyone but it never actually crossed our tiny minds on how vast and big the difference in the path we chose are gonna be. So, here's my wish to everyone (although it seemed alittle on the late side)
And now for the finale. . . PICTURES!
Oooops! I forgot! Pictures are in my laptop and I'm posting these using my house-PC! So, wait for Graduation III-Pictures tonight (cross my fingers) yah!
Posted by Jack at 2:18 AM 3 comments
Labels: Pictures Grunts
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Oh shit!
This is not a post that was supposed to be in the listing I mentioned in the earlier post. However, this is post is a must and absolute.
I used to have a Hebe photo gallery on my side bar on my blog page. Nevertheless I have now taken it off the page as
Okay... Problem settled. This is not an age 18+ blog page. Though the content might sometimes take people of above that age to understand! *wink
Posted by Jack at 11:13 PM 3 comments
Labels: Informational Grunts