First thing first, finals over!
Watched Alone (a horror Thai film) earlier with Wilson, Kim Ming and Rain. It was okay though as usual I have fear for such horror movie. I just can't stop the fear in the suspense and gross face of the ghost. It leaves me uneasy.
Anyway, after watching the Alone, we (or rather I towards the end) watched Home Alone. Its classic. I have always love watching this movie. I wonder how many billionth times have I watched this movie but I still love it. It too was my first ever movie that has to do with Christmas. Yes. This made me remember the beauty of Christmas. This was the movie that made me think and feel that Christmas is a wonderful day with snow falling being the most beautiful scenery. How could I forget the beauty of snow falling being imprinted in my mind when I was young watching this wonderful movie.
Watching Home Alone really brought me back to my peace state of mind after being turmoiled by the Alone. It always had with any other movies. Something about the Christmas songs, beautiful scene of snow fall, and the touching important scenes of family make me feel peace. I love the part especially where Kevin went and look for the so called Santa Claus messenger and then proceed to the church where he had a conversation with the old man neighbor. That scene brings hope to Kevin in protecting his house from being robbed. That sort of feeling of hope is what I feel whenever this scene being played. Furthermore the effects of the carols being sung provide me with this feeling even more. I'm not sure how to describe this in words. It really is just a feeling. Call me weird. I don't mind since this is what I feel. I guess this is what people mean with the word hope during Christmas.
Another note about Home Alone that I'm sure my parents would be very happy to read is that it really brings the word family into my heart. The importance and love for your family. That is what I felt whenever I watch this especially the ending part of the mom finally reached home and saw her son, Kevin in a safe state. And for Kevin, finally seeing her mom during the white Christmas is such a relief to him. It really make my heart sinks during this scene and also the part where the mom said, "I'm desperate." I guess this really brings me back to my senses on the importance of my family to me.
I believe I told a few readers here that my next post (which was supposed to be this one) to be posted in Malay. But since I was talking about an English movie I suppose it would be just right for me to type in English. Maybe I can relate it properly in Malay? Here I go:
"Home Alone" mempunyai suatu keindahan unik yang boleh membuat saya mendapat aman dalam hati dan sanubariku. Aman beerti hatiku tenang seperti tasik biru yang boleh memantulkan rupa langit dengan nyata sekali. Bukan sahaja ketenangan dan keamanan yang boleh ku peroleh tetapi juga makna keluarga. Kadang kala kita lupa erti keluarga yang sebenar dan kepentingannya. Aku kenal kembali makna dan pentingnya keluargaku. Aku percaya yang boleh menyebabkan ini berlaku bukan sahaja jalan cerita filem ini tetapi muzik Hari Natal yang berbentuk koir dan peribadi kanak-kanakku yang terpendam di dalam hatiku. Ini semua memberi makna baru dalam hidupku setiap kali aku menonton filem ini. Nampaknya catatanku juga sampai batasnya. Sudah kian lama aku tidak menaip atau mengarang dalam Bahasa Melayu. Sampai sini sahajalah. . .
PS: My next post would be 100% Malay I'll try my best.
PS2: Say me "nah pet" or whatever, I don't really care or mind. This is what I consider as my own personal space of peace (utopia).
PS3: I'm looking for all the songs in Home Alone. Anyone knows please tell me.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Home Alone
Posted by Jack at 4:54 AM 2 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
Sunday, December 16, 2007
2 Years!
Haha. . . Damn long never update my blog. I guess I'm starting to see all the vines and green slimy stuff growing on my blog. Okay! Time for clearing it up a little. What can I say. . . Finals next week and I only have 2 courses out of 4 that have finals. How fun is that? Actually not too fun since those courses without finals, gonna have presentation and projects due. Haha. . .
Time flies you know. . . I have been here for nearly 2 years already! Wow! And I'm gonna graduate in about another 5-ish months time. I graduate when I'm 21! Never had I thought of this when I was still in high school. I thought that my age of graduation would be somewhere around 23. Now I'm 2 years ahead of what I planned. Meaning I'm gonna start working my ass off for the great period of my life. Isn't that good and bad? Good: I get my own money without being a dependent. Bad: I miss school and all those extra hours plus working means working!
Anyway, half of my batch buddies are gonna graduate by the end of this semester which means next week! Half of us are gonna stay. I'll definitely miss them. Most of the closest friends I have in Drake indeed are from my batch. Was having "guy's pillow talk" the other night with Kim Ming (he's gonna graduate too) and Wilson, and they were asking which is the best semester that each of us ever enjoyed in Drake. Both Wilson and Kim Ming had the same opinion on the first semester was the best as everything was new and we were dumb. Haha. . . All those times of a group of us going to library or GK basement to study ACTS 140 which ending up quarreling between groups for 1-2 hours just for a simple formula. End up we did finish our homeworks and partial of required studies, but our stomachs grumble which therefore leaving us to my room in Morehouse cooking stuffs to eat. That was the best. Also, the number of Malaysian too wasn't that a lot Kim Ming suggested. Well, lots of stuffs did happen in our first semester and it was indeed happy, young and fun! Thinking of it, we do have less fun than when we were 2 years ago. Maybe we grew and become this way or simply because we found new source of fun.
To me, the best semester that I would ever have in Drake would be the semester where the plaque of not having cute Malaysian chicks dies. Haha. . . Kidding! I bet the best semester for me is the first year in Drake due to many reasons. One of it would I grew up most during this 1 year time period. I became from a person who only indulge in Utopian thinking to something more realistic. I gained the necessities to approach real adulthood. I made good friends here who I bet would last a lifetime too. I learned that I have friends here or in Malaysia who would always stand by me. I learned not to rely on others too much in life and to judge someone only by their outlook plus betrayal can be anywhere. I learned what is truly important to me. I learned that girls older than me in couples of years time can be quite attractive. . . *wink *wink :p
Note: Mom gonna scream when she reads this. My taste is so screwed up in the recent years!
Anyway, just gonna wish "ALL THE BEST" to all my departing, graduating comrades! Gonna miss you people! Don't act naughty and better not to forget to invite for your weddings in the future!
Posted by Jack at 1:23 PM 1 comments
Labels: Daytime Grunts
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Being 21
Finally, I'm 21!
1) I can have a horizontal driving license
2) I can go to clubs without being marked as a minor
3) I can go into casino and stop whenever or where-ever I like
4) I'm legally being able to call myself a young adult
5) Last but not least, I can go into Hyvee and get myself booze anytime without relying on Kim Ming or John or Wilson !!! :p
Haha. . . On another happy note, I found back my glasses which I thought I had flushed down the toilet the other night we were drinking. Phew!
Actually, I thought I would feel a BANG once I become 21 but it seemed it is just another ordinary thing that is happening in my life. So, live on with it! Haha. . . To those friends who are away somewhere on Earth and those in KL, sorry can't celebrate with you guys this time! Maybe the next one okay! Promise!
Side note: Gonna have a midterm right after my birthday! What a waste!
Posted by Jack at 1:08 AM 3 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Second of December
Although today isn't my birthday, but everyone had a earlier celebration for me. Thank you everyone! Appreciate it everyone!!! Thank you!
Posted by Jack at 2:45 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Thanksgiving 2007 - Colorado
After recuperating a few days, I think its finally time for me to update this blog. Another reason is that one of my loyal readers mentioned earlier my blog seemed quiet and outdated. So here I am writing and updating my post although I'm still lacking in idea for this post. This would not be any depressing or sad post I promise. Its gonna be a happy, fun and painful post. Hehe. . .What's not better than a picture to describe the trip to Colorado? A picture after all means a thousand words.
The trip consists of 13 brave men and women who all had a pledge in their hard to go through the hardship of skiing in the mountain range of Colorado. And so we begun our trip to Colorado!11 out of 13 of us who came from Des Moines reached Denver early in the morning only to be greeted by an empty street of the popular 16th Street Mall. I can't shop as I wanted. Not only that, the whole of Denver was like deserted. People and cars were at a minimal. We browse around Denver city and made our way to Denver Airport to pick up our 2 comrades from Michigan (they missed their train which is why they needed to take the plane :p)
After picking our 2 new comrades, we head straight to our lodging place which is located near our skiing area. The place we were staying was a beautiful and cozy place with a simple touch of family and wood essence (not too sure what I'm getting into here). Anyway, a delighted thing was the place we were staying had a spa! Most of us guys rush our way in the cold to the spa place only to find out that the hot pool was an outdoor one and it was only LUKE WARM! ! ! We tried our best to stay in the pool only to jump out from the pool into the cold and rush into the sauna place.

Adik-adik tutup mata ye!

That night we went to a club called The Church which is really a church being turned into a club. We were wondering what does the Christian community think of that! Anyway, I would comment that the club wasn't too bad except for the fact that there were not enough people to make the club as raving as it should be plus the fact that I'm only a week away from 21 years old which mean that I couldn't get any booze (Only sipping from Mario's, Wei Ming's and Wei Oo's). There were 3 halls. Each is dedicated to Techno Trance, House Techno and R&B. A happy note that took place in the club would be a young pretty chick held my waist thinking I was her boyfriend. Wasted~~~
The last day was meant for shopping! I don't think I need to tell you more what is it there about shopping. I was very happy spending my time in Calvin Klein that is I can tell. Hehe :P
Okay. . . Time to sleep!
Posted by Jack at 12:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: Vacation Grunts
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Very moooody. . .
These few weekends had really been tiring for me. From one thing to another and it doesn't even end there. Gosh. . . Luckily Thanksgiving Break is around the very corner. Gonna go skiing in Colorado. Damn excited yet I feel like just sleeping for the whole trip. Haha. . . What a waste if I really go and do that.
My mood is in a turmoil now. I seemed like being jumpy on every single detail. Man. . . Am I getting my PMS(s) or did I just revert back to my adolescents syndrome?
I wish I was back home in KL now. >.<
Posted by Jack at 10:43 PM 2 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Saturday night fever
Just had everyone left after our kinda pretty wild party earlier. Everyone was happy I hope. That is what a host wants most for their guests after all. However, truth is, after that incident, no matter how Jack I wanted to become, I can't. Deep inside I was like Wai Sun on a roll. I became what I was in the past, emotional. I try hard to forget and continue but it wasn't enough for my ego. My ego tells me that I should be trashing up every single dustbins in the town. No matter what it was, and I won't even repeat it in here, it did hit my ego in some certain ways. I might be able to let it go someday but its gonna take some time from here on. Actually, tonight wasn't such a good night after all, this weekend wasn't what I expected of, I've been left with nothing but feelings that I myself can only understand. Is it karma that made all these mishaps happened to me these past few days? If it is the 10 plaques that are gonna destroy my universe, I've left 7. I'm not sure myself on what to do. I can't confide, I can't let go, I can't wallow, I can't do anything. . .
Posted by Jack at 4:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Another grunt
Midnight! I just finished my hot and nice shower after a busy day watching movie and play. Afternoon we had "American Gangster" and night we had "The Company". Now I'm having a few moments of break until the rest of the plan return to my place and get "". You know what it is. Haha. . . Why is it so busy for me this weekend? Because there are visitors in 38th Street!
I can't think of what to write. So I'll just leave it here and begone!
Posted by Jack at 11:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
Friday, November 9, 2007
Doctor Quack Jack
Sakit sini sakit sana. . .
Banyak orang sudah jatuh sakit. Sekarang aku macam dijangkit pulak. . .
It is the flu season again. Lots of merry people are getting sick and down with this wild season. And starting from yesterday evening, I think I might join them soon. Had those symptoms: feverish, cold, headache, and a big urge to eat (personal symptom). Luckily for me, my antibody which has always been up-to-date with virus definition (in other words; stronger than normal people as my dad said) seemed to be able to win the war. Early this morning I woke up feeling as usual as any other days. Maybe still a little warm after lunch but definitely in a better condition. So for those who read this and got worried, you can release your tense now.
I have a few tips up my sleeve for those who in need of it when you get those flu symptoms:
1) Keep yourself warm. Not too hot or too exposed.
2) Make yourself a cup of tan ngan lou leong cha (One-Eye-Jack Herbal Tea) and keep adding hot water after your done with the initial cup. Recycle the packet for as many times as possible. Just make sure you drink a lot.
3) Don't make yourself keep thinking that you are sick.
4) Do not consume too much food. If you are seriously hungry, take some light snacks as in a slice of bread and butter. Having more frequency of consumption is better than doing it in a shot.
These are tips provided by your doctor in the house today. . . Doctor Quack Jack!
Haha. . . For a more reliable source of cure. Do look for my doctor friend, Doctor Wong. If he is not too busy smooching around he might leave a good cure instruction after reading this. :P
Posted by Jack at 4:43 PM 1 comments
Labels: Informational Grunts
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Nov 6th Year 2007
Tuesday;Sunny: Its cold out there today. Is it just me feeling this way because my stomach is kinda empty or can anyone tell me you agree with me? I would have love the weather even more provided its a bit warmer than it is. I slept well last night surprisingly. My sleeping pattern in the US isn't always in its best shape. What may be the cause of this? I never know. Maybe there is a cause mentioned somewhere during my psychology class with Mrs. Singh in ADP last time. Sorry I forgot. Guess I wasn't paying too much attention during that lecture only! Honest! I do participate a lot didn't I. Haha. . . Somehow all these stuffs attract me more than a normal actuarial lesson. So, I asked myself again for the 10,000th time this year, "Am I really into my major?" I know it is a yes somewhere in my shapeless soul. The yes would be the very cause of the answer NO too. I love to travel (perhaps that is what started this kinda thinking) and I just hate to be stuck in the cubicle of an office (an open office type won't be so bad). The reason I hate to be stuck in the office so much is doing work in an office is like too formal and closed for me plus a childhood memory of mine following my mom to office when I was young. This made me to love the outside of the office a lot and making more physical movement type of jobs.
Field works which are conduct outside in the open are usually the best job I can ever dream of but I didn't choose it. Why? The main reason is I like to do all of them! So, which is the one that I can do? I don't know myself. Another reason which is quite important would be I feel that I have the responsibility to earn more for the family in the future. That is why money is very important in my career's future. Okay okay. . . Actuary isn't the biggest money maker out there and I can earn maybe even more if I have a job in the open-field type. But the other option to me is more of an interest than to earn money. So that's why I chose to do something which I am looking into money of.
Just had a talk with Lili. Yes! I typed part of this post out, went out, and came back. Anyway, she asked me whether I'm paying any extra attention to anyone right now. And my answer to her was NOPE. True indeed, I'm not dreaming or visioning anyone this semester. What a surprise some might say. Then the question goes to, "There are so many Malaysians now in Drake and a NO?" Truth is there is no one that I found particularly catchy in the moment and my taste is kinda weird sometimes. To me it all depends on the environment around you're having. At sometimes you might find type A a better one but in sometimes you might think that Type B is actually more interesting. So it all comes back to what you see is what you get.
This is a long post of craps. . .
Posted by Jack at 1:24 PM 3 comments
Labels: Daytime Grunts
Monday, November 5, 2007
Second Grunt In A Night
Its already midnight yet I still feel energetic! Why? Most probably is due to Wilson+KimMing's fried rice with chicken curry. Haha. . . My compliments and thanks for the food. No hard feelings. Anyway, we house-mates (including Wilson-the part-timer) had move on to Stage 3 of our Say No To Foul Mouth. Stage 3 means we are gonna have gentleman's talk from now on. Gentleman's talk means that we have to speak in a totally 100% proper manner. Something like, "Sir, would you like to have a pillow?" Haha. . . In a day after we started Stage 3, the amount added up to the penalty booms like a man's reproduction organ after certain "stimulation".
Oh yeah! I wanna take the chance to wish all exam-takers GOOD LUCK in your exams!
Posted by Jack at 12:13 AM 1 comments
Labels: Midnight Grunts
Sunday, November 4, 2007
A permanent blog page maybe...
As the title said, could this be the very last blog page that I'm gonna use long term? Hope so...
Posted by Jack at 6:09 PM 2 comments