After recuperating a few days, I think its finally time for me to update this blog. Another reason is that one of my loyal readers mentioned earlier my blog seemed quiet and outdated. So here I am writing and updating my post although I'm still lacking in idea for this post. This would not be any depressing or sad post I promise. Its gonna be a happy, fun and painful post. Hehe. . .What's not better than a picture to describe the trip to Colorado? A picture after all means a thousand words.
The trip consists of 13 brave men and women who all had a pledge in their hard to go through the hardship of skiing in the mountain range of Colorado. And so we begun our trip to Colorado!11 out of 13 of us who came from Des Moines reached Denver early in the morning only to be greeted by an empty street of the popular 16th Street Mall. I can't shop as I wanted. Not only that, the whole of Denver was like deserted. People and cars were at a minimal. We browse around Denver city and made our way to Denver Airport to pick up our 2 comrades from Michigan (they missed their train which is why they needed to take the plane :p)
After picking our 2 new comrades, we head straight to our lodging place which is located near our skiing area. The place we were staying was a beautiful and cozy place with a simple touch of family and wood essence (not too sure what I'm getting into here). Anyway, a delighted thing was the place we were staying had a spa! Most of us guys rush our way in the cold to the spa place only to find out that the hot pool was an outdoor one and it was only LUKE WARM! ! ! We tried our best to stay in the pool only to jump out from the pool into the cold and rush into the sauna place.

Adik-adik tutup mata ye!

That night we went to a club called The Church which is really a church being turned into a club. We were wondering what does the Christian community think of that! Anyway, I would comment that the club wasn't too bad except for the fact that there were not enough people to make the club as raving as it should be plus the fact that I'm only a week away from 21 years old which mean that I couldn't get any booze (Only sipping from Mario's, Wei Ming's and Wei Oo's). There were 3 halls. Each is dedicated to Techno Trance, House Techno and R&B. A happy note that took place in the club would be a young pretty chick held my waist thinking I was her boyfriend. Wasted~~~
The last day was meant for shopping! I don't think I need to tell you more what is it there about shopping. I was very happy spending my time in Calvin Klein that is I can tell. Hehe :P
Okay. . . Time to sleep!