Thursday, April 23, 2009

99th posting!

I love to read story books and novels. That is why I tend to prefer words over figures. However, I chose a job that mostly deals with figures instead of words. Then a chance for me to brush back my writing skills in my job dance beautifully in front of me, but I took off to the road of figures dumping the words once again. That's why this site has been left empty for months. I dropped my thinking pen, tuck it in nicely into the drawer and draws it out once again tonight.

I'll try ta write up a pretty post here. Another excuse for me to hid my pen all these while is that I always complained (to Flora especially, since she bugs me to update here) that I've got no inspiration or no ideas on what to put. Now that I think of it, what better to post up for now than my own personal vain update?!

Let's try shall we!

A brief introduction first though! I'm Jack. Been dumping this happy, exciting, emo yadah yadah site for 4 months now! Haven't gone shopping in ages, well, I think since Chinese New Year. Sounds wrong right? But yeah! It's kinda hard to get the clothes that will start my drive on shopping spree here in KL. Yes! I so so so missed the shoppings in the States! Especially those jackets! Soon people... Soon! Anyhow, Jack is still Jack. Still very jumpy too! It's still too early to settle my ass properly on something firm. It prefers to dangle in the air!

Okay... What's more to write? Hmmm... Pictures? I don't have much pictures of myself taken recently too. I'm not a cam-whore sorta person. Haha... Was reading my previous posts and there was a post with Hendrik (Michelle's Pappa Rich) saying my blog is too wordy. Hahaha! Ooops!

Okay! Okay! Back to main point. Updates... Updates! Heck! I got one!

And that is...

The End.... For now... ta!