Yes yes yes... Here I am after a certain period of long absence... A few die hard readers have been starting to sound out their disapproval of my out-dated and empty blog. Since most of them are girls *ehem (from a typical wai lui sei fellow like me) I'll put up a simple post for today just to tell you people out there what I'm planning to post up in this very near future or actually just how off scheduled I am in my postings. You may very well be surprised. Haha. . .
So stuffs that I would need to shout about in this near future would be:
- Graduation III
- US to KL
- My journey in Eastern Europe (there's gonna be a good few posts on this trip I hope)
- Love and Lust (I wonder how many times have I postponed this but worry not, it will come out some day :D)
- Movie reviews (I missed out a lot of good movies already)
Oh! I forgot!
WOOHOOOOO ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
I'M BACK IN K LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Satisfaction max people!
I do miss US okayyy (just the people living in it only). . . Especially the internet connection!
Some recent pictures of me to show you all that I'm still healthy and good looking despite my long away-ness.