Hey Yo Wassup !!!
How long has it been since I made a post here? Hmmm. . . Somewhere before winter break started I guess. So as to make up for this long period of absence, I would make this a super long one should I? Nah. . . I'll try to break it up or you would be dozing off before you even reach 1/2 of the post. Hehe. . . So, the question is what have I been doing during this time that I can't even put a simple post saying, "Yes, I'm fine and still alive." Its simple. Winter break!!!!!!
Winter break was a busy break. Not because I was studying but because I had signed myself up for a number of trips this break. As a start off, my first destination of holiday was the sunshine beautiful California! Took a flight right into the heart of all stars >>> Los Angeles! Here's some proof. . .
Enough of L.A.! I had lots of photo took here but I wouldn't wanna stuff everyone with only picture to see but nothing to read. If not, why would I need to blog right?! Anyway, L.A. trip was good (as good as 10 years ago!) and my 2 Lao Das have already went back to Malaysia (when's my turn?). Wait for me to come back eh. . . We go eat! ! ! Haha. . . That's all I think of!
Next stop for my travel destination is somewhere East-side (Note: L.A. is on the West Coast of U.S.). I went to New York! ! ! This time it was with Mario and Cadence where we met up with Seth and Rain who was already bunking in Seng Zhao's mom's place (Bless you dude. . . I saved a lot on lodging there). N.Y. was a total different view and vision from L.A. I dare say. But I still prefer my West Coast cities especially San Francisco! Sorry N.Y. ! We went to N.Y. somewhere in the beginning of January (2 days right after I came back from my L.A. trip) and on my first day I had diarrhea until I got fever, allergy and etc. :(
Well. . . These are the pictures taken in N.Y.

A day after we returned from N.Y. , we started our a week long road trip across 11 states in U.S. Want me to name them? Lazy though. . . Haha. . . Let the pictures describe to you how was it!
That's all the photos I had for now on our road trip. Seth haven't send the files to me yet. I only recorded videos. Seth's gonna have RNHS syndrome soon. Haha. . . What's that you wonder perhaps. Ask Seth!
Happy New Year!